Housing Authority 10.25.13

Purewow for the week:


German ‘luxury’ bishop is expelled by the pope. I mean, we understand the benefits of a good soak, but how can you afford the proper bath salts if your bathtub is $20K?


A must read: Ian Frazier brings to light the hidden homelessness of New York City.


“Is divorce contagious?” Apparently the social contagion of divorce can “affect friends up to two degrees removed.” (We tried to configure what that means for Kevin Bacon and his six degrees; his odds aren’t good.)  Also, all this talk about matrimony led us to unearth an old article on why the oft-quoted Christian divorce rate is wrong.


God tells highly marketable stories, and Hollywood wants in on it.


We know you are already tired of talking about the new “Wes Anderson-y” film, but we loved this short commentary on taste/distinction and self-parody.


Joshua DuBois on sending President Obama a devotional every morning. (You better believe when he misses a day or two, BO lets him know.)


“Only God is an Atheist” and other thoughts from Flannery O’Connor’s prayer diary (pt 1 and 2).


Like a spoiler alert but good: Arcade Fire’s Reflektor streaming early.


To quote, Rachel Held Evans: “EVERYTHING Shane Claiborne says here. Everything”




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