MISSIONAL ESSENTIALS While it’s en vogue to use the word missional in church circles, many people struggle to know what...
LEARN MOREpreviewA Guide for Experiencing God’s Mission in Your Life
LEARN MOREpreviewToday’s college students are in the midst of a seismic shift.
LEARN MOREpreviewExposing the Nature of God in Your Community
LEARN MOREpreviewPUBLIC JESUS BY: Tim Suttle Religion is personal and private. Many people are raised to believe religion is personal and...
LEARN MOREpreviewThe Samaritan Project takes the familiar parable of an injured traveler and invites the reader to engage the story in a way that will change how they view themselves and the people in their world.
LEARN MOREpreviewSix Postures for Creating and Practicing Missional Community
LEARN MOREpreviewGod’s purpose for you at college isn’t merely to get an education.
LEARN MOREpreviewLiving Fully in Search of God's Presence
LEARN MOREpreviewECONOMY OF LOVE BY: Relational Tithe, Video sessions with Shane Claiborne America thrives on a simple message-that what we currently...