Archive for Theology - page 3

Reimagining Disciple Making

Reimagining Disciple Making

“Nondiscipleship is the elephant in the church. It is not the much discussed moral failures, financial abuses, or the amazing general similarity between Christians and non-Christians. These are only effects of the underlying problem. The fundamental negative reality among Christian believers now is their failure to be constantly learning how to live their lives in The Kingdom Among Us.”

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The New Liturgist on the Gift of a Literary Education

The New Liturgist on the Gift of a Literary Education

He would wake up—find himself, discover himself were the phrases he often used—in this public square or that one, countries away from home, not knowing how he got there.

The Frenchman Albert Dadas was the first of his kind, an involuntary wanderer described by Maud Casey in her essay “A Stubborn Desire.”1 As Casey reports, Dadas spent years in the late 1800s walking across Europe in a semi-trance, sometimes 70 kilometers in a day, often without sleeping or eating. He was diagnosed by his doctor, Philippe Tissie, with a psychiatric condition never before applied: fugueur. From the Latin fuga: a combination of fugere (to flee) and fugare (to chase).

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Dan White | How to be Radically Missional

Dan White | How to be Radically Missional

Dan White is leading a polite rebellion . . .

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